June 21, 2006

An Old Tupperware Cookbooklet

Tupperware, introduced in 1946, has been around longer than I have.

The amazing new product with its unique airtight seal was originally sold in retail stores. By 1951 the company had figured out that the home demonstration method was better for sales and switched exclusively to selling their plasticware via the Tupperware Home Party.

My first solid recollection of women entrepreneurs in action were the Avon and Tupperware ladies who were regular fixtures around the neighborhood.

Throughout the years, there have been quite a few cookbooks and recipe booklets published for use with Tupperware products. The trend continues today and includes hardcover cookbooks and recipe cards.

Beat the Blahs Recipe Ideas from Tupperware (1980, 16 pp.) was published by Meredith Publishing Services so, naturally, the recipes hold the Better Homes and Gardens Test Kitchens seal of approval.

The front and rear covers feature a variety of Tupperware products in those bright orange and yellow colors that were available in the late 70's and early 80's. They squeeze in examples of a few other products while displaying the food in the illustrations inside.

The booklet has five pre-punched holes along the left edge, apparently so the booklet could be placed in a binder of some sort. Offhand, I can't recall whether or not there are other Tupperware booklets that also have these binder holes--I'll have to look.

The booklet appears to have been a handout to the customers as there is a rectangular blank spot on the rear where the consultant could stamp or write down their name and phone number.

The recipe instructions promote the products, with the tupperware item name shown in bold print amongst all the directions. Although I imagine you could get along quite nicely without using any Tupperware at all in the preparation of these recipes, the instructions tell you to use items such as the Large Mixing Bowl, the Pastry Sheet, the Mix-N-Stor pitcher, Season-Serve containers and the Handy Grater.

The recipes were used by the previous owner of this booklet at least, as evidenced by the large stain that is visible on all the pages, an accidental spill perhaps, that came about while she was preparing the Funnel Cake or Strudel recipe.

And just in case you think Tupperware is merely a food or drink container, check out what this guy has done. Very creative.


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